EndPine (エンドパイン)。東京都出身。 



Japanese Singer / Songwriter / Lyricist / Photographer / Bachelor of Music / YouTube Music Certification / 命を歌う心臓ソングライター。


【主な活動 / タイアップ等】

◼︎短編アニメーション「碧の樹」音楽担当 (2024年)

◼︎碧の樹 Original Soundtrack (2024年)


◼︎ほとり (2022年) 


◼︎蝋人形 (2023年) 

(Apple Music「J-Pop 注目トラック」、プレイリスト「最新ソング: J-Pop」/ AWA「J-POP 今週の新着曲」選出曲)

◼︎玉井健二氏プロデュース「FIMMIGRM」公式アンバサダー (2023年〜)

◼︎檸檬記念日 (2023年) 


◼︎Ametome (2023年) / 光る木々たちのパレード (2020年) 

(U-NEXT「MUSIC TANK セレクション」選出曲)

◼︎終焉バースデー (2021年)

(Eggs YouTubeデイリー6位 / 週間13位) 


Born in Tokyo, a next-generation multi-talented artist who self-produces mainly on YouTube, from music production to video production. From childhood to high school, he was devoted to J-POP, R&B, and rock music, took voice and gospel lessons along with composing and orchestrating at university. He currently produces, and sings a wide range of music genres from chillwaves to soundtracks.


Collaborated for the First Time

Kodansha, one of the largest publishers in Japan, and “Eggs”, the popular music uploading platform have collaborated on creating a song “Hotori” for EndPine, and the song has won an award for the official music competition of HARUMEI by Uri Amamiya.

The award was celebrated on the most recent “Nakayoshi”, a cartoon magazine, that went on sale on December 1st and you can see the details on it. 

Once again, I appreciate all your contributions to support us and the EndPine’s music. I promise to dediccate ourselves to continuously create the best songs for all of you. 

It would be great and more than appreciated if you could leave comments when you find favoruite songs of ours.  Thank you for all of your suuports.